
  • Denise Brady


Goodkin, K, Lee, DMolina, R. 2006. Complicated bereavement: disease state or state of being?. Omega, 52(1): 21–36.

Goodkin, K, Lee, DFrasca, A. 2006. Complicated bereavement: A commentary on its state of evolution. Omega, 52(1): 99–105.

Hall, C. 2006. Editorial. Grief Matters, 9(2): 27

Hogan, N S, Worden, J W and Schmidt, L A. 2006. Considerations in conceptualizing complicated grief. Omega, 52(1): 81–85.

Horowitz, M. 2006. Meditating on complicated grief disorder as a diagnosis. Omega, 52(1): 87–89.

Lobb, E, Kristjanson, L J, Aoun, S and Monterosso, L. 2006. An overview of complicated grief terminology and diagnostic criteria. Grief Matters, 9(2): 28–32.

Neimeyer, R A. 2006. Complicated grief and the quest for meaning: a constructivist contribution. Omega, 52(1): 37–52.

Neimeyer, R A. 2006. Defining the new abnormal: Scientific and social construction of complicated grief. Omega, 52(1): 95–97.

Parkes, C M. 2006. Symposium on complicated grief. Omega, 52(1): 1–7.

Parkes, C M. 2006. Guest editor's conclusions. Omega, 52(1): 107–113.

Prigerson, H G and Maciejewski, P K. 2006. A call for sound empirical testing and evaluation of criteria for complicated grief proposed for the DSM-V. Omega, 52(1): 9–19.

Prigerson, H G and Vanderwerker, L C. 2006. Final remarks. Omega, 52(1): 91–94.

Stroebe, M and Schut, H. 2006. Complicated grief: a conceptual analysis of the field. Omega, 52(1): 53–70.

Ray, R and Prigerson, H. 2006. Complicated grief: an attachment disorder worthy of indusion in DSM-V. Grief Matters, 9(2): 33–38.

Shear, K M. 2006. The treatment of complicated grief. Grief Matters, 9(2): 39–42.

Walter, T. 2006. What is complicated grief? A social constructionist perspective. Omega, 52(1): 71–79.





